Air Cooled Electronics |
Natural, forced and mixed convection, conduction and conjugate heat transfer from electronics packages, boards and systems for microelectronics and telecommunications applications. Specific topics that have been examined recently include: |
1. |
Culham, J.R., and Muzychka, Y.S., 2001, "Optimization of Plate Fin Heat Sinks Using Entropy Generation Minimization," IEEE Transactions CPT, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp. 159-165. Khan, W.A., Culham, J.R. and Yovanovich, M.M., 2005, "Optimization of Pin Fin Heat Sinks Using Entropy Generation Minimization," IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 247-254. |
2. |
Leonard, W., Teertstra, P., Culham, J.R., and Zaghlol, A.,, 2002, "Characterization of Heat Sink Flow Bypass in Plate Fin Heat Sinks," Proceedings of IMECE 2002, International Mechanical Congress and Exposition, New Orleans, Louisiana, November 17-22. |
3. |
Fundamental research into analytical modeling techniques for natural and forced convection heat transfer for finite body shapes, such as spheroids, cuboids, and rectangular plates, enclosures, and cross flow heat exchangers and tube banks. Recent publications include: Khan, W.A., Culham, J.R. and Yovanovich, M.M.,, 2005, "Fluid Flow Around and Heat Transfer From an Infinite Circular Cylinder," ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, Vol. 127, No. 7, pp. 785 - 790. Teertstra, P., Yovanovich, M.M. and Culham, J.R.,, 2004, "Analytical Modeling of Natural Convection in Concentric Spherical Enclosures," Paper No. AIAA2004-0496, 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, January 5-8, 2004, Reno, NV. |
Liquid Cooled Heat Sinks |
Recent publications include: Zugic, M.J., Culham, J.R., Teertstra, P., Horne, K., Knapp, E. and De Palma, J.-F., 2005, "Experimental and Analytical Investigation of Compact Liquid Cooled Heat Sinks," ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Anaheim, CA, November 13-19. |
Heating and Ventilation Models for Automotive Seating Applications |
Recent publications include: |
Heat Sealing of Flexible Plastic Packaging |
Thermal Contact Resistance for Microelectronics Applications |
Effective Thermal Conductivity of Composite Thermal Interface Materials |
Recent publications include: |
Thermal Contact Resistance of Polymer-Polymer Joints |
This study looked at experimentally determining the TCR of a polymer/polymer joint under various interface contact pressures. Experimental data was then be compared to existing TCR models (both plastic and elastic). This entails having both the micro-hardness and the surface roughness of the polymer, both of which were looked at in detail. To experimentally determine the TCR of a polymer-polymer joint a minimal amount of heat must be used or the polymer samples will be permanently deformed. To ensure the polymer remains in a stiff, glassy state a polymer with a high glassy temperature must be used. Polycarbonate was selected for this reason and was the primary polymer used for this study. |